Page 8 - 3D Vpod Sensory Pain Distraction System

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The portable system provides easy-glide
movement from one area to another. It is
elegant and robustly designed to cope with a
busy hospital environment.
The base also carries the dedicated ‘sensory
3D-2-GO hardware’ along with storage for the
interactive GYRO and Bubble-blower.
All cabling is perfectly hidden and the unit is
powered from one connection point.
Portable 3D Systems
The portable system offers the same wonderful features
as the overhead unit. Ideal for areas where staff will
not obscure the image during the treatment. A perfect
solution for pre-surgery & recovery.
Children can enjoy the amazing interactive 3D effects or
personally control them with the Gyro, Sound-sensor or
Bubble Blower.
There are lots of sensory displays included for both
passive and interactive distraction across all age ranges.